1. Added quests Text above quest room chests.
2. Added Roulette in Elden Town from extracted drops
3. More monsters in right top Maynhands spawn
4. Removed bucket mechanics in Timira boss
5. Fixed warzones entrances
6. Adjusted The Unarmored Voidborn boss
7. Primal and Soul extractor has been re-designed
- Now there is only one machine, you just right click on extractor and then click on item that you want to transform into Extracted Strenghts
- 1x soul item = 1x Extracted Strenght // 1x primal item = 2x Extracted Strenght
8. Added foxtail amulet into Task Equipments
9. Added 1 hour stamina to Nomadic Merchant for 15kk
10. Fixed preys
- Battlemage
- Manyhands
11. Added 2 new monsters for player 300-500 level
- Fallen Dragon
- Dark Wolf
12. Fixed 100% Exp Boost
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